Sunday, November 15, 2015

Over and Under: Sunday on the LES

Peeled paint draped over a tarry black substrate and mounted on canvas

With less color, the black felt most urgent.

Color patches filling gaps.

Daniel Hesidence at Canada

Vastly different than the brushier work shown at Feature years ago.

Lightly poured grounds with stumped brush marks, squeezed paint and other systems of putting on paint.

Landscape beyond recognition, yet familiar. 

(Today I attended a wonderful panel at Dorsky on the Uncanny in Figuration moderated by Lilly Wei with Jenny Dubnau, Dennis Kardon, Sarah Peters and Alexi Worth, artists in the Uncanny exhibition there. The discussion was brisk and dynamic, but focused on the figure.
Hesidence's work would be my vote for an uncanny abstraction.

EJ Hauser at Regina Rex.

Objects in her studio assembled into ab Amphibian, title of the show.

Brute, gorgeous mark making, color and drawing circulating above and beneath the surface.

Smiler painting from an earlier drawing.
The show has a catalogue, which launched today. The reproductions are good and there is an interview with EJ Hauser and Yevgenia Baras. 

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