Friday, December 31, 2021

Chelsea Run: Zwirner Blowout + Jaune Quick to See Smith: Woman in Landscape at Garth Greenan Gallery

Portia Zvavahera: I Was Made to See the Dark Side (Ndakaoneswa murima) at David Zwirner last month

Large paintings, opening and closing compositions, bare canvas and wild patterning as if poured from the tip of a nozzle

Ghost imagery with pattern

All Is Possible, the unspeakably brilliant survey of Ruth Asawa at Zwirner curated by Helen Molesworth

Molesworth's feat was to include a variety of Asawa's drawings, here patterned

With a set of doors the artist carved for her home

The drawings were shown with small sculptures

Revealing a hybrid language of doodle and ink painting

Chrysanthemum motif, I'd think traced from an ink study

Grounded by drawings from the hand, etheral forms fashioned from nature itself

Revealing shadow as a major protagonist for line

In the first room intimate drawings made on the fly of her child

Dreaming in a welter of pattern that later, distilled, forms the most basic elements of our world.

Sol Lewitt in the simply stellar Seen In the Mirror: Mickey Carton Collection exhibition at Zwirner

Sol Lewitt - the finest line

Joseph Yoakum, one of several gorgeous landscapes in an amazing compendium of work throughout  history

Joseph Yoakum

Joseph Yoakum

Whoops--part of an accordion book of subway drawings--loved this

I think, Jess


Rembrandt etching


Charles LeDray's glass shelves with hand-made, household objects.



The idiosyncratic logicof Mickey Carton's vision: outsider artist Martin Ramirez and Morandi. Thanks to the gallery for the epic overview of a private collection.

Jaune "Quick-to-See" Smith's trenchant critcal work recently on view at Garth Greenan

Remapping lanscape with her experience.

Happiest 2022 ~ Raise our glass to a beautiful world.