Very satisfying drawings by Tom Fairs at Kerry Schuss, Orchard St. This show of small drawings, made in summer 2004, is comprised of jagged, diamond-like marks massed into various configurations of a garden-like space. |
Another Tom Fairs drawing. They are small, perhaps 16 x 12. |
Shari Mendelson's Modern Times at Lesley Heller Workspace: Elisabeth Kley to left, Keiko Naharashi on right wall. Naharashi made her own shelf; both artists work with flat drawing and dimensional vessels. |
Elisabeth Kley's joyous melding of color and form |
Another view of Modern Times: Barry Bartlett's elegant, gold leafed vessel form at center, Christy Rupp's furred and felt oil cans left, Shari Mendehlson's light yet substantial animals and vessels rear and Jim Dingilian's smoke painted bottles at right. |
Shari Mendelson |
Christy Rupp, "5 Gallon," 2009/10, handfelt, 28 x 10 x 13 |
Arlene Shechet's Buddha in the world (not the title) |
Shari Mendelson, Hedgehog Bottle, 2012, plastic bottle plastic, tea bags, hot glue and polymer paint, 6 x 5 x 8 inches |
In Heller's front room: Ken Buhler's Oriental Dollar Bird, acrylic on canvas, 32 x 84 inches
Pours make bloom and rubber stamps harden the edges. This show is inspired by the names and habitats of birds. | | |
Did not photograph, but thoroughly enjoyed, Marshall N. Price's FROM LIFE at Steven Harvey Fine Arts Projects, with rollicking paintings from observation featuring Gideon Bok, Susanna Coffey, Lois Dodd, Rackstraw Downes, Cindy Tower and others, plus, Louisa Matthiasdottir pastels in the back room.
Steven Harvey Fine Arts link
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