Thursday, July 12, 2018

Precision, Incision - Summer Wheat at Andrew Edlin and Mayan sculpture at LACMA

Gamekeepers, exhibition by Summer Wheat at Andrew Edlin  Gallery Link

From press release: "Summer Wheat's recent works arise from the progression of a years-long effort to harness the form of paint as a three-dimensional object. Utilizing a radically original technique of pushing acrylic paint through wire mesh, she creates rich, fiber-like surfaces, which evoke historic forms of wall coverings such as woven tapestries or latch hook rugs...suggesting a flattening of the hierarchies between fine art and domestic arts and crafts, and evoke a feminist sensibility by embracing the intuition of felt experience." 

I love the way the process yields a flattening of form yet a raised surface.
"In addition to her signature paintings, Wheat has created a series of tulipiere sculptures under the guidance of a 9th generation Sicilian ceramic artist using clay dug from the region."
These had stories and imagery that remind me of the Dunhuang Caves, or Greek pottery. It was a beautiful, elegant show.
From LACMA's City and Cosmos: The Arts of Teotihuacan, through September 3, 2018. Exhibition Link
An earth-bound version of the Met's recent Golden Kingdoms show.

Feline Sculpture, Sun Pyramid, 300-400. Adesite and pigments. In ancient MesoAmerica, predatory felines such as jaguars were aligned with fire and sun, according to the didactic panel.

Mosaic Jaguar from Xalia residential compound, 400

And this! Incense burner, from 250-300.

Compression and flow...

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