Sunday, April 14, 2019

Estefania Velez Rodriguez opens at Auxiliary Projects

Estefania Velez Rodriguez's debut exhibition at Auxiliary Projects, run by multidisciplinary artists Jennifer Dalton, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, with Cindy Pound. Gallery Link

Titled False Catalogs, the exhibition combines landscape tropes with the history of painting to generate "combinations of characters" from "uneasy alliances of layered gestures that can be figurative, geometric, linear, scraped, piled." The syntax in these paintings forms one visual language among many; analogous to a book in a library.

It was pretty hard to get images with a room filled with excited people.
The artist, looking glam in a world of her own invention, summoning her native Puerto Rico, Florida, where she moved next, and New York, where she resides since 2015.
Some small, juicy paintings; this from 2018.

2018 tribute to Daniel Heidkamp

Karen Marston photographs Velez Rodriguez.

There is deliberation about the results.
Amra Cruse, Hunter MFA student, visits the show.
This work is from her first-ever painting class, which I taught. It is wonderful to see her debut exhibition in Brooklyn. Congratulations, Estefania Velez Rodriguez. 

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